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Make running no longer boring, the choice of a home treadmill

The choice of a home treadmill Foreword I belonged to the standard otaku attribute since I was a child. With the advantage of being young, it doesn’t seem to have any effect if I don’t exercise, and my weight has always remained in a slightly thin range. However, since I turned 30 last year, I feel that my body is in a sub-healthy state, and I occasionally experience slight discomfort. The most obvious change is that I have gained weight, and my weight has soared by 10 kg in half a year. And usually engaged in the original creation, often busy until midnight. After this state continued for some time, I gradually realized that I might die suddenly one day. After realizing the seriousness of the problem, the next step is to analyze the problem and propose a solution. The first is to achieve a scientific and reasonable low-sugar diet (diet control is so easy for me), and the next step is to stay up late as little as possible, improve work efficiency, and strive to go to bed before noon. But these alone are not enough. Proper exercise every day must also be put on the agenda. Because I […]

home treadmill

Want to exercise, is it necessary to buy a treadmill at home?

Is it necessary to buy a treadmill at home? No matter what it is, a major premise to discuss its necessity must be whether you need it, how high the actual usage rate is, what advantages it has, what convenience it can bring to you, etc. In short, it varies from person to person. Take me as an example. I liked running very much when I was a student. I have always been excellent in long-distance running. I especially like to get up and run every morning before going to eat. At that time, my physique can be said to be excellent. Great. Later, after working, I gradually lost that energy, so I slowly let go. Or one day after the year when I was full of food and drink, I suddenly found that I had a small belly, and then I thought of how I was panting after climbing a few steps, and then I realized the seriousness of the matter, thinking that I should pick up the good habit of running picked up. But at present, my work is on the rise, and I really can’t spare a lot of time to focus on running. It is basically […]

multifunction treadmill

Top 10 Buying Tips for Home Treadmills

Home Treadmills can play a very good exercise effect, so home treadmills are sought after by many consumers. How to choose a treadmill is also something that everyone is more concerned about. Be sure to choose a home treadmill with better quality, and avoid buying inferior treadmills because of cheapness. There are still skills. Today, let’s take a look at how to buy treadmills through 10 aspects. 1. The price is the first ginseng When buying a treadmill, the first consideration should be the price, and choose a price range that you can afford. So you can set how much money you are willing to spend to buy a treadmill. If you are a girl and want to buy an economical and practical model, you can choose the economical model. If you consider that you want to run more advanced, or you want to run faster and protect your knees better, then you can set a higher price range for yourself. 2. Don’t underestimate the brand, here is the decision to sell After considering the price, the next thing to consider is the brand, which is related to the overall quality of the treadmill and the after-sales service. Many non-brand […]

home light treadmill

“User Experience” Design Principles for Home Light Treadmills

For Home Light Treadmills, User experience design is a user-centered design philosophy that runs it. The goal is to allow users to build psychological feelings when using products and services. Emphasize how users touch or use it, not how the product itself works. According to the current development trend, interaction design can improve the user’s efficiency and psychological pleasure. There is no centralized brand in the home indoor treadmill market, and consumers have not formed an inherent brand awareness for home treadmills. Most of the foreign brands are more distinctive, but they are more in line with European and American styles and are not completely suitable for Chinese families. In China, neither online sales nor e-commerce platforms can solve the problems of low repurchase rates and low customer viscosity. The times are progressing, so we need to transform stock thinking into variable thinking. In the era of information explosion, for example, when we mention a sports brand, we will think of Nike. As a famous sports brand in the world, its brand loyalty is relatively high. It cites popular idols such as Mike Jordan as its spokesperson. Electronic games. In this way, it is spread through the form of entertainment, […]

What are the core features of a home treadmill?

The home treadmill is equipped with the characteristics of safety and convenience and is deeply loved by the public. It can be used for fitness at home. Introduction: The home treadmill has the characteristics of safety, convenience, efficiency, simplicity, and humanization, avoiding the uncertain factors brought by outdoor running, and is deeply loved by the public. With the deepening of the concept of fitness, people pay more and more attention to the way of home fitness, and treadmill exercise is very popular. The design needs to conform to the principles of household products. Therefore, in terms of product identification, users will focus on the product’s function, material, shape, human-machine, color, etc. 01 Use the treadmill correctly to add fun during exercise and feel the fun of fitness at home 1. Step forward Open your hands, straighten your elbows naturally, and speed up the treadmill slightly. Move forward in a brisk walk, tighten the core of your waist and abdomen, stride your legs forward, and swing your arms greatly at your sides. 2. High-speed running Speed ​​up the running belt and feel the explosive power of your body when you run fast. Hold the handle of the treadmill with both hands, […]

home treadmill

Is the Incline function of a home treadmill useful?

The main function of the Incline effect of the home treadmill is to increase the running resistance by adjusting the slope of the treadmill running board, so as to increase the resistance during the running exercise, thereby increasing the effect of cardiopulmonary function exercise, similar to our outdoor running. When running on a hill, the slope can be adjusted according to your own needs. From the point of view of the exercise effect, the same exercise effect can be achieved without the ascension function, but it needs to increase the time. That is to say, the ascension function shortens the exercise time, and the effect is the same. It is more suitable for fitness people who often run and exercise. Generally, For home use, there is no need to add the ascension function. At present, the Incline range of treadmills on the market is generally 0-10%, and some manufacturers produce 20% or even higher slope ascending treadmills as a selling point to meet the needs of consumers and market sports. A treadmill with an incline ascent adjustment function can consume more calories, improve fat-burning efficiency, improve the running training effect, and even simulate mountaineering, making it more interesting. Dr. Matthews […]