For Home Light Treadmills, User experience design is a user-centered design philosophy that runs it. The goal is to allow users to build psychological feelings when using products and services. Emphasize how users touch or use it, not how the product itself works. According to the current development trend, interaction design can improve the user’s efficiency and psychological pleasure. There is no centralized brand in the home indoor treadmill market, and consumers have not formed an inherent brand awareness for home treadmills. Most of the foreign brands are more distinctive, but they are more in line with European and American styles and are not completely suitable for Chinese families. In China, neither online sales nor e-commerce platforms can solve the problems of low repurchase rates and low customer viscosity. The times are progressing, so we need to transform stock thinking into variable thinking. In the era of information explosion, for example, when we mention a sports brand, we will think of Nike. As a famous sports brand in the world, its brand loyalty is relatively high. It cites popular idols such as Mike Jordan as its spokesperson. Electronic games. In this way, it is spread through the form of entertainment, […]