The 7 must-do fitness items in the gym! 1. Mass aerobics: The scope of exercise involves every joint of the whole body. In about 50 minutes, the bodybuilders perform rhythmic, Step-by-step aerobic exercise. It can burn a lot of fat and improve the cardiopulmonary function of the participants. It is the first choice for losing weight, maintaining physical fitness and body shape. 2. Aerobic dance: On the one hand, aerobic dance (AEROBICDANCE) can consume more calories, and on the other hand, it can aerobics many dance movements. Unlike aerobics, it has many styles. Different features: AEROBIC DANCE, HIP-HOP, FUNK, SALSA, and other aerobic dances. 3. Aerobic dance Latin aerobics: Latin aerobic dance is characterized by a lot of hip movements, which are particularly effective in reducing waist and abdomen fat. People with no dance foundation and poor coordination are not easy to achieve fitness results 4. Aerobic dance: funk, hip-hop: funk (FUNK), hip-hop (HIPHOP) is an aerobic dance with a free dance style. The movement is relaxed and free and changeable, which can improve the coordination of the exerciser and achieve the purpose of fitness. 5. Combat aerobics: This project is aerobics combined with music, dance, boxing, fighting, and other […]